Very few amateur all volunteer adult soccer clubs in the country, let alone the state of Connecticut, are fortunate to have a full time soccer pitch available to them.
And even less have a pitch that is just yards away from a social and heritage club as rich as the Irish American Home Society of Glastonbury.
The IAHS has been our home for soccer matches since 1986 forming a perfect relationship between soccer club and society club. The Celtic soccer club not only plays its games at IAHS but its also where we socialize after the games, have our Annual General Meeting (AGM), annual awards night, and Board of Directors meetings.
Players with Irish heritage are also greatly encouraged to join the IAHS and several current Celtic members play an active role with the society.
About the IAHS
In October of 1944, several men met at a home in West Hartford to formulate a plan for an Irish-American Society. The general mission of the Irish American Home was and continue to be a society that welcomes and brings together Irish and Irish American families. The IAHS practices and preserves Irish traditions, cultures, music and friendship.
The IAHS was located in Hartford for many years until settling into its current location at 132 Commerce Street, Glastonbury in December 1967. The IAHS has over 2,000 members and is proud of its indoor and outdoor facilities. It will continue to be a gathering place for families, young and old, for generations to come.